Pros and cons of online dating

Experiences with online dating1 tend to be mixed. Some people have excellent experiences with online dating that end in satisfying relationships2. Others have stories filled with3 confusion and frustration. Thus4, like any other way to date, meeting someone online has both benefits and drawbacks5. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons6 of online dating:

1) Access

Pros: Online dating provide7 individuals with access to many more potential partners8 than they could find in their daily lives. This is especially true for individuals interested in partners of a particular type, orientation, lifestyle9, or in isolated areas.
Cons: The choices10 of partners can become11 confusing and overwhelming12. Without a clear plan, online daters13 can get stuck endlessly14 looking for the perfect partner, rather than15 actually16 starting a satisfying relationship.

2) Matching17

Pros: Many online dating sites offer various types of personality testing and matching. Such18 matching can help guide individuals toward19 dating partners who may be20 more compatible.
Cons: Matching is a difficult process and testing may not be accurate21 for everyone. In addition22, people may present differently in person or change over time. So, matching may overlook23 potentially good partners in the process.

3) Communication

Pros: Online dating offers a number of ways to get to know24 a potential date before meeting in person. Such computer communication allows25 a safe26 and convenient interaction, without much risk or time commitment27. Such communication is an excellent way to "test" potential partners.

Cons: Communication through computers is lacking28 some of the information provided in face-to-face interaction. As a result, it is harder to evaluate a potential match online. Also, some of the cues29 that build attraction (like touching) cannot be accomplished30 through a computer. So,  computer communication may have an artificial and unemotional quality.


Overall31, it is important to remember that online dating is best used as a resource32 to meet individuals for eventual face-to-face dating. Keeping that goal in mind33 will prevent you from getting stuck on the drawbacks and limitations of dating online.
So, if you get confused, the best next step is always to move an interaction toward a date. If you are overwhelmed with access to too many choices, then find a way to narrow them down34 and find better matches35.
If you don't know what to do with a potential match, send them a quick communication. If you get frustrated with talking online, then suggest a meeting in person. Follow36 that process and you will more easily find a satisfying connection online and face-to-face too.


1.    Dating = namoro
2.    satisfying relationships = relacionamentos satisfatorios
3.    filled with = cheio de
4.    Thus = Assim, desta forma
5.    both benefits and drawbacks = tanto vantagens quanto desvantagens
6.    pros and cons = prós e contras
7.    provide = prover, fornecer
8.    potential partners = parceiros potenciais
9.    lifestyle = estilo de vida
10. choices = escolhas
11. can become = pode tornar-se
12. overwhelming = devastador, arrasador
13. daters = namorados
14. get stuck endlessly = ficam presos indefinidamente
15. rather than = ao invés de
16. actually = na verdade
17. Matching = correspondência, combinação
18. Such = tal
19. Toward  = em direção a
20. who may be = que podem ser
21. accurate = preciso, exato
22. In addition = além disso
23. Overlook = negligenciar
24. ways to get to know = formas de vir a conhecer
25. allows = permite
26. safe = seguro(a)
27. commitment = compromisso
28. lacking = carecendo de
29. cues = pistas
30. cannot be accomplished = não podem ser realizadas
31. Overall = Em geral
32. Resource = recurso
33. Keeping that goal in mind = mantendo este objetivo em mente
34. find a way to narrow them down = encontre uma forma de restrigi-los
35. matches = matches
36. Follow = siga